"Boomer Moments" on NPR
The gist of the audio article is that the aging "boomer" generation is healthy, active, social, technologically attuned, and relatively wealthy. These characteristics attract marketers to its members. These marketers include the creators of online social websites, like Myspace and Facebook, which have been promoted to a younger set. Hear also, Social Networking on the Web Grows Up (Jun-27-2007), on NPR's "Talk of the Nation". NPR has featured other activities -- some offbeat indeed -- of the "boomer" generation in segments broadcast recently on its "Talk of the Nation" series. Rather than having a "senior moment", try having a "boomer moment" in a new activity:National Public Radio mentioned the maturing "boomers" again today, September 17, 2007, in a Digital Culture spot, entitled "Social Networking Sites for Boomers Blossom".
Morning Edition, September 17, 2007 · New social networking Web sites vying for screen time are targeting the older set. These sites are aiming to grab the attention of people who find that joining Myspace.com or Facebook.com feels like crashing their kids' party.