Thursday, December 27, 2007

SAMHSA's Coping Resources

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, through its Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers numerous resources that appear particularly helpful now, during the year-end holidays.

Despite the festive spirit advertised & projected during these days, many folks experience exactly the opposite -- pronounced sadness, sorrow, anxiety, or other feelings of depression, fear, or isolation. This can be the case where a loved one is absent, as in the case of families with military volunteers.

Such feelings can also emanate from the death of a loved one, a physical trauma, a lifestyle adjustment, or other significant change, whether recent or long-past.

SAMHSA, on its website, offers some quick, to-the-point suggestions for coping with such feelings.

In particular, I am impressed with SAMHSA's "
Resources for Coping With Traumatic Events", targeted at certain groups:

The first three categories focus heavily on group trauma, such as occurred at Virginia Tech University on April 16, 2007, or in Nickel Mines, PA, on October 2, 2006.

The latter two categories focus more on individual trauma.
The heading "For Adults" offers resources relevant to the concerns of this Blog.
Thanks to Diana Carra Haugh, Senior Advocate, of the Disability Rights Network of Pennsylvania, in Harrisburg, for drawing the SAMHSA resources to my attention today, by her reference in our email exchange.